


You have many options when taking the first step down a career path as a medical records specialist (also could be titled as medical records technician, 医疗比勒, 或者医疗编码员, 等). 最大的决定是你的教育路径, 这可能取决于你想多快开始和你的整体职业目标.




需要多长时间?10 - 20个月
平均工资$51,090 每年, $24.56 每小时(BLS)*
就业前景9% 增加从 2022-2032 (BLS)*

1. 总体职位描述:了解医疗编码员的角色,并确定是否适合你

医疗编码人员是医疗保健收入管理过程中的关键贡献者. Their responsibility is to interpret care provided for patients into codes computers can understand to classify services for billing purposes and ensure the accuracy of Electronic Medical Records (EMR).

Success requires proficiency in anatomy and medical terminology to properly assign diagnostic and procedural codes based on Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and 国际 Classification of Diseases, 第十次修订(ICD-10)标准.

The day-to-day life of a 医疗编码器 primarily involves reading cases as detailed by a physician’s notes and correctly assigning diagnostic and procedural codes. 根据案例的复杂性和笔记的清晰度,这可能会变得更加困难. You’ll need to become comfortable referring to documentation and communicating with healthcare staff efficiently to do the job and keep up with the queue.

医疗收费人使用编码人员提供的这些“指示”来提交保险索赔并将付款提交到账户. 账单商与保险公司合作处理拒绝/拒绝, 敲定任何未完成的细节,并发出声明. 这些角色可以完全分开, 或者在一些机构中兼任“医疗账单和编码专家”的职位.


Don’t worry—medical coding is not the type of “computer coding” you may associate with conventional “computer programming.” You won’t need to decipher huge walls of obscure text and numbers or learn any advanced programming languages like JavaScript or Python.

然而,在某些方面,您需要像程序员一样思考. 你的工作是解释文本并将其分类为数字. 你一定是个非常细致的人, analytical problem solver with the patience to approach every case with equal diligence and streamline your process as best as possible to maximize efficiency.

内向的人可能更适合医学编码, 而外向的人可能更喜欢一份更专业的医疗账单工作. 如果你两者都有一点,那么你可以胜任帐单和编码专家的工作.

2. 接受医疗编码方面的教育

与深圳大学合作, 你有几个选择开始你的教育之路,成为一名医疗编码员.

你可以考虑一下软件下载的医疗编码, 保险帐单和编码专家, 或者健康信息管理幸运28计划. 所有选项都有100%的在线课程,全年有几个开始日期.

软件下载的招生团队可以根据您的个人情况帮助您确定最佳起点, 但这里有一个关于你如何权衡你的选择的一般分类:



Our fastest pathways to graduate with a college-level education are diploma options in medical coding or Insurance Billing and Coding Specialist, 哪些幸运28计划可以在短短10个月内完成. 你可以完成这个幸运28计划, 在不到一年的时间里获得医疗编码的认证并获得初级工作资格.


除了计费和编码的副学士学位选项, the broader field of 健康信息管理 (HIM) can present a wide variety of advanced career opportunities. 他的本科教育可以为你成为一名成功的医疗编码员和潜在的工作做准备 注册医疗资讯技术员(RHIT) 或者将来成为经理.


好消息是: 无论你从哪里开始,总有一条路等着你. 现在你可以选择一个较低的学位来获得认证并更快地找到工作, 然后在将来将获得的学分转换为更高的学位,继续你的教育. 软件下载的存在是为了帮助您快速或有条不紊地建立您想要的职业生涯.

类开始 1月8日


3. 得到认证1

There are two crucial medical coding certifications we recommend earning to best qualify for entry-level coding jobs:

完成软件下载的任何课程选项,您将为每个认证的相应考试做好充分的准备. 软件下载在医学编码课程中已经为这些考试做了准备.

You will also learn the knowledge and skills to potentially pursue additional coding certifications such as Certified Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS) 从 National 医疗保健er Association, AHIMA认证编码助理(CCA), 还有其他几个.


这可能很艰难! 根据AHIMA,首次测试者的CCS考试通过率为55%. 不过,AAPC并不公布CPC考试的通过率 一些资料显示 大约一半的考生第一次考试就通过了.

考试被设计成具有挑战性,以确保你为成功做好准备. 没有受过正规教育, 培训, 或经验, 第一次通过这些考试是非常困难的.

通过软件下载的课程获得学位或文凭, 你会准备充分,在第一次面试中处于有利地位.


对执照或证书并不总是有严格的要求, 而且没有州的要求. 要求因雇主而异. 然而, earning certification to become a Certified Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS) can help you earn an edge over the competition and get the job you really want.

赫京大学提供多种本科医疗保健学位和文凭选择,你可以在网上获得, 除了医疗编码和计费:

Each program is positioned uniquely to build a foundation for you to pursue the type of job in healthcare you’re looking for—whether it’s directly caring for patients, 专注于日常行政工作或领导管理工作.

作为一名医疗记录技术员,你可以在各种医疗环境中建立自己的职业生涯. 根据该报告,2019年大多数病历技术人员在医院工作 BLS. 你也可以在普通诊所工作, 医生的办公室, 行政支持或技术服务. 长期护理设施也提供 许多就业机会 随着美国老年人口的增加.S. 寻求负担得起的医疗选择.

作为一名全职医疗记录员, 你可能会享受到401(k)退休计划等福利。, 带薪假期,医疗和牙科保险. 有兼职和周末轮班的选择, 医疗记录员的工作很灵活, 让你探索最适合你职业目标的职位.

住院病人编码 指需要住院且必须延长住院时间的患者的诊断报告. 住院病人编码采用《幸运28计划》(ICD-10)编码系统.

门诊编码 指为不需要住院的患者提供服务的报告, 通常是那些在24小时内被释放的人. 门诊编码采用现行程序术语(CPT)编码系统.

Inpatient and outpatient coding also deal with unique payment and reimbursement systems you will need to be familiar with.

You may learn inpatient and/or outpatient coding depending on whether you choose the 大专文凭 or diploma path.




你可以在网上完成这个研究幸运28计划. 如果你选择实习(在你所在的州等待资格), you will be able to gain experience in a real working environment to best prepare you for your first entry-level job as a 医疗编码器.

Our goal is to best prepare you to become an excellent 医疗编码器 who is ready to excel right away in your first entry-level coding job.

虽然获得学位/文凭并不总是需要获得某些编码证书, 接受教育可以帮助你获得更多的工作机会, 全力以赴,为你的职业发展做好准备.

技术日益影响着医疗保健行业的发展. Digital coding software called “encoders” can streamline the coding process and have provoked many to wonder about the 医疗编码的未来.

Software can help to reduce the probability of human error but certainly does not replace what a human 医疗编码器 brings to the table: ability to decipher human documentation and the reasoning skills to accurately translate them into instructions for billing.

根据投影从 劳工统计局, employment for medical records and health information technicians (including 医疗编码器s) is expected to increase 9% from 2022-2032,增速快于美国的平均增速.S. 占领.*

在该领域有足够的经验,许多医疗计费员可能会找到有选择的工作 居家办公。. 然而,很难找到在家工作的入门级职位. Expect to work your way towards qualifying for these competitive positions after graduating with a degree or diploma.

作为一名医疗保险账单专家, you can typically expect a 40-hour work week in an office environment such as a healthcare facility or agency setting. Full-time Medical Insurance Billing Specialists may receive a comprehensive benefit package that includes health insurance, 带薪假期, 还有一个退休储蓄计划,比如利润分享计划或401(k)计划. 一些雇主也提供兼职的机会.

虽然软件可以自动完成医疗计费员日常工作流程中的某些任务, 在医疗计费过程中仍然需要人为因素, 包括个案决策和人际沟通.

根据 劳工统计局(BLS)在美国,医疗记录专家的就业预计会增加 9% from 2022-2032.*


Medical coding is a great career choice for detail-oriented people who work well on their own (a good option for introverts!)并寻求一个有发展空间和晋升机会的职业领域.

接受教育是找到你喜欢的工作的第一步. 与Herzing大学一起成为可能.

了解更多有关 医学编码员的职业

4. 找一份工作,预支薪水

在获得教育和认证后, 你将准备好找到你的第一份工作,作为一个医疗编码专业,并开始一个令人兴奋的新的职业道路.

你可以回到学校,获得大学教育,建立你的新职业道路. 软件下载想帮助您实现这一目标.



1. 认证不是州的要求.

*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 美国劳工部,职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the average salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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